The Sectech Way – the bespoke recruitment process that delivers a result, every time.

The Sectech Way has been developed over thousands of technology placements for hundreds of clients.

Not only do we provide access to the industry's best talent, but we also provide a slick process, loads of useful data analytics, and a first class experience to all parties.

Everything we do is about speed, simplicity, and safety.

At Sectech, we have broken down every stage of the recruitment process to maximize customer experience and outcome. Giving all parties clear and defined expectations.

Starting with the brief, a deep dive into exactly what you are trying to achieve with each hire. We come prepared with foresight analysis and research, obtained to make things easier.

At the shortlist stage, we will present the best talent available candidates that have been interviewed against bespoke criteria. At this stage, we go one step further with a detailed insight report into our findings. We provide a report on the current market trends, recruitment funnel data analysis, technology availability breakdowns, and competitor analysis.

The interview process is set with a clearly defined structure and timescale. All parties are prepped and then debriefed with feedback at each stage. Followed by a solid and fair offer process, handled with care.

The onboarding process again is very detailed, giving every candidate a smooth transition and the best chance to hit the ground running. Tied in with an aftercare policy that makes sure both client and candidate have had a great experience and are happy with the end result.

Benefits of the Sectech Way?

  •         Access to the best talent
  •         Bring down time to hire
  •         Candidate experience maximized
  •         Clearly defined time scale
  •         Data analytics at each stage
  •         Competitor analysis and market insight
  •         Improved offer acceptance rate
  •         Quality onboarding process
  •         Replicable model each time
  •         Improved retention rates
  •         Transparent costs and terms

Planning your next hire or want to improve your process?

Please get in touch, we would be happy to help.

Contact us today.